La Jolla Covering Repository
Note: This database has moved!
This database is moving to a new server. While any bugs are being
worked out the old version will remain here, but may disappear at any
time. Please update your bookmarks and use
the new database.
Ye Olde La Jolla Covering Repository
Use at your own risk
A (v,k,t)-covering design is
a collection of k-element subsets, called blocks, of {1,2,...,v},
such that any t-element subset is contained in at least one block. 
This site contains a collection of good (v,k,t)-coverings.
Each of these coverings gives an upper bound for the corresponding C(v,k,t),
the smallest possible number of blocks in such a covering design. 
The limit for coverings is
v<100, k<=25, and t<=8 just to draw the line
Only coverings with at most 100000 blocks are given, except for some
which were grandfathered in. Some Steiner systems (coverings in which
every t-set is covered exactly once) which are too big
for the database will be included in the link below.
Search for covering designs
Maintained by Dan Gordon